

1 Tender for Rajasthan Utsav-2025 Event Management (6.71MB)
2 Bid for maintenance including updation and enhancement of BHMS Website (6.5MB)
3 E-Bid for establishing and running an Artifact / Souvenir Shop at Bikaner House New Delhi (18.69MB)
4 Corrigendum for establishing and running a Coffee Shop at Bikaner House New Delhi (1.44MB)
5 Corrigendum for establishing and running a Restaurant at Bikaner House New Delhi (1.38MB)
6 Bid Invitation for Hiring Vehicles with fuel and driver on as and when required basis (10.77MB)
7 E-Bid for establishing and running a Coffee Shop at Bikaner House New Delhi (9.83MB)
8 E-Bid for establishing and running a Restaurant at Bikaner House New Delhi (9.48MB)